Keys for reusing

Published on 2023-06-05

Our commitment to the environment and sustainability is firm, and every day we are prouder of it.

At Naeco, we are fully aware of the importance of taking care of our planet. That's why we try to offer logistic solutions which are environmentally friendly.

Our commitment to the environment and sustainability is firm, and every day we are prouder of it. 

At Naeco, we are fully aware of the importance of taking care of our planet. That's why we try to offer logistic solutions which are environmentally friendly. 

The concept of reusing is not only applied to the final product. To reuse plastic raw materials over and over again is one of the key aspects of our business.

At Naeco, we have developed extensive know-how in plastic waste recovery.

The keys for reusing plastic

To reuse is one of the most important strategies in the plastic recycling process. 

Why? Because it allows us to extend the lifespan of materials and reduce their environmental impact.

Instead of disposing of plastic pallets, boxes, and containers at the end of their life cycle, we reintroduce them into a new production cycle to create a new product.

How? By processing these waste materials to convert them into raw materials and subsequently creating our products: pallets, boxes, and containers that bear a sustainability eco-label indicating if they are recyclable products (all our products are!), if they have been made from recycled materials, and if they are repairable. 

These are just some of the advantages that stem from our strong commitment to reuse:

  • It reduces the amount of waste generated.
  • It decreases the need for new materials, thus exploiting fewer natural resources.
  • Implies lower energy consumption.
  • It reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Gives a second chance to waste, transforming it into a new resource.

To reuse is the key to maximize the value of materials and to minimize the environmental impact of producing new plastics.

It is an important step in the transition to a circular and sustainable economy, and that is why at Naeco, we commit to apply the best reuse practices in manufacturing our products.

How to reduce waste and maximize the lifespan of materials. 

We emphasize this a lot, but the importance of reusing waste is fundamental for the future of our planet. However, we must be aware that not everything is suitable when it comes to use discarded plastic.

Cómo reducir los residuos y maximizar la vida útil de los materiales

Insistimos mucho en esto, pero la importancia que tiene la reutilización de los residuos es fundamental para el futuro de nuestro planeta. Aun así, debemos ser conscientes de que no todo vale a la hora de aprovechar el plástico desechado.

Several factors need to be considered:

  • Identify the type of material we are processing and its condition. Not all plastics are the same, and some may be more difficult to reuse than others. 
  • It is also important to ensure that materials are clean and in good condition before considering their reuse. The quality of these materials will be crucial to ensure that they can be reused most effectively.
  • Selection of the reuse method. The choice of the appropriate method will depend on the type of material, its condition, its previous use, and technical and economic possibilities. It is important to evaluate which method is most suitable for each case to ensure effective reuse.
  • Design of durable and adaptable products. This point can make a difference. Products designed to last longer and be adaptable to different uses and needs are easier to reuse. At Naeco, we ensure that our plastic pallets, boxes, and containers are resistant  and adaptable to different needs. Many of them are repairable. And if they have reached the end of their life cycle, we can repurchase them to give them the future they deserve.
  • Reverse logistic systems allow for the collection and transportation of plastic materials from end-users to origin centers, ensuring product reuse and proper recycling at the end of their life cycle. As mentioned before, at Naeco, we repurchase plastic pallets, boxes, and containers when they reach the end of their life cycle. 
  • Awareness and education. Users must be aware of the importance of reusing plastic materials and how to do it effectively. At Naeco, we focus on providing information and tools to our customers so they can make the most of reusing our products. Haven't you heard about our Naeco Rewards program?

By following these keys, we ensure effective reuse of products and plastic raw materials, reducing waste, environmental impact, and maximizing the lifespan of plastic, which should be a priority on the social agenda.

Examples of plastic reuse in the manufacturing of pallets, boxes, and containers

Since our foundation, we have implemented numerous processes aimed at making the most of every gram of plastic waste.

Our goal? To develop logistics solutions that help companies transport their products with complete safety and confidence while minimizing environmental impact and contributing to the care of our surroundings. 

These are just a few examples of our commitment to reuse:

  • Use of recycled plastic to manufacture our products. We obtain this plastic from post-industrial plastic waste (other pallets, boxes, and containers) or post-consumer waste (waste from the yellow container, such as bottles and packaging). These materials are collected and processed to obtain new materials. By using recycled plastic, Naeco reduces its dependence on natural resources and helps reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment.
  • Our plastic pallets, boxes, and containers are designed to be adaptable and reusable in different logistics processes. For example, pallets can be used to transport different types of cargo and stacked in different ways, adapting to our customer’s needs.
  • Moreover, we have repairable products to meet the highest load requirements and extend the lifespan of these products. This way, the amount of waste generated is reduced. Additionally, through Naeco Rewind, we have a buyback program for our products to prevent them from becoming unprocessed waste at the end of their life cycle.

As you can see, products made from recycled plastic have numerous advantages. 

On one hand, their lifespan is comparable to products made from virgin plastic.

And most importantly, they have a positive environmental impact by opting for recycled materials, which contributes to sustainability and helps to mitigate climate change.